2017 Yankee Candle Boney Bunch
2017 Boney Bunch Scare-iversary Collection
From Yankee Candle:
Celebrate the Boney Bunch 10th Scare-iversary, including the limited edition 2017 Boney Bunch Commemorative: The Boney Suspects.
The 2017 Boney Bunch Scare-iversary Collection included the following pieces:
(Listed in order from picture above, left to right and top to bottom.)
- A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
- Boney Holmes
- Bye Mr Bones
- Death By Chocolate
- Express Checkout
- Head Chef
- Nine Lives Later
- Last Tango
- Scare Squad Car
- The Boney Suspects
2017 Online Exclusives
- Boney On Board
- Crocs Revenge
- Hotel Pet Service
- Professor Boney in the Library
- Rack Em Up Miss Emerald
- The Honeymooners
- Thirst Aid
This year I did not purchase any new boneys, but I may eventually add Thirst Aid to my collection.
What pieces did you purchase? Let me know in the comments below.