Halloween Movies A to ZWes Craven

The Hills Have Eyes (1977)

The Hills Have Eyes Movie Summary

On the way to California, a family’s car breaks down in an area closed to the public and inhabited by violent savages ready to attack.

The Hills Have Eyes was originally released in Tucson, Arizona theaters July 22, 1977.

Where can I watch The Hills Have Eyes online?

The movie The Hills Have Eyes is available to stream on the following platforms:

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Is The Hills Have Eyes available to buy on DVD?

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When will the movie The Hills Have Eyes air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Suze Lanier (Brenda Carter), Robert Houston (Bobby Carter), Michael Berryman (Pluto), Dee Wallace (Lynne Wood), Martin Speer (Doug Wood), Russ Grieve (Big Bob Carter), John Steadman (Fred), Janus Blythe (Ruby), Peter Locke (Mercury), James Whitworth (Jupiter)

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The Hills Have Eyes Movie Trailer