Sabrina, the Teenage Witch (1996)
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch Movie Summary
A girl, sent by her parents to live with her two eccentric aunts, finds out on her sixteenth birthday that she is a witch.
The movie Sabrina, the Teenage Witch came before the Sabrina the Teenage Witch television series, originally premiering on Showtime April 7, 1996.
Where can I watch Sabrina, the Teenage Witch online?
The movie Sabrina, the Teenage Witch is available to stream on the following platforms. Fees may apply.
Is Sabrina, the Teenage Witch available to buy on DVD?
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When will the movie Sabrina, the Teenage Witch air on TV in 2024?
Not airing this week
Year Released
Cast Includes
Melissa Joan Hart, Sherry Miller, Charlene Fernetz, Michelle Beaudoin, Ryan Reynolds, Tobias Mehler