Halloween TV Cartoon Episodes

Dora the Explorer “Halloween Parade”

Halloween Parade Movie Summary

Dora the Explorer (Season 6, Episode 11)
*In production order, it’s the 6th episode of Season 6.

Dora and Boots, and YOU need to help Little Monster find a costume so he can march in the Halloween Parade!

Halloween Parade originally premiered on Nickelodeon October 24, 2011.

Where can I watch Halloween Parade online?

The cartoon Halloween Parade is available to stream on the following platforms. Fees may apply.

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Is Halloween Parade available to buy on DVD?

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When will the movie Halloween Parade air on TV in 2024?

Not airing this week

Year Released


Cast Includes

Caitlin Sanchez, Regan Mizrahi, Pablo Napoli Borrero, Jean Carlos Celi

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Halloween Parade Movie Trailer